<script>on pickMusicplay "click"global theMODput return & "Please choose a tune:" into prompt -- ∆put empty into modListput mods() into listget showList(list,prompt,true,true,"Play,Cancel^,Silence",1) -- ∆if line 2 of it is empty then exit pickMusicput line 1 of it into zput the number of items in line 2 of it into numOfItemsrepeat with i = 1 to numOfItemsput line (item i of line 2 of it) of list & ", " after modListend repeatdelete last char of modListdelete last char of modListput modList into theMODif z is "Play" then modTimeif z is "Silence" then get playMod(stopMOD,true)end pickMusicfunction modsreturn ¬"Fusion" & return & ¬"Maple Rag" & return & ¬"LiveWire Theme"end modson exitLiveWireanswer "Do you wish to exit LiveWire?" with¬"Go Home" or "Go Finder" or "I'll stay"if it is "Go Home" then go Homeif it is "Go Finder" then doMenu "Quit HyperCard"end exitLiveWire</script>